Why Version Control Systems:
Different Version Control Systems
- Centralized repository to share the code.
- Multiple people work in a single code (Project Code)
- Development fast since many developers work on the single code.
- Internet-Based (WAN Based)
- GitHub
- BitBucket
- Microsoft VSTS
- many more...
- LAN Based
- many more...
Client for above all version controlling systems:
- Git (Git Bash shell)
- SourceTree
Repository types:
- Public
- Private
// To push the project from local PC – FIRST PROJECT
1. First create the repository on remote location
2. Install and Open git bash
3. Go to your project directory, where your files are placed.
4. Perform git commands
a. Git init – it will generate .git folder (To see it, make the folder show for all)
b. Git add . – Dot will save all the file to the repository
c. Git commit -m “your comment”
d. Git remote add origin <remote URL>
e. Git push origin master – (master/dev/etc)
5. Go to your repository and either fetch it
// To clone the project
1. Just type : git clone <remote url>
// Push the project on IBM CLOUD – master branch
2. Create token with SSH – it enables to push the data from remote
3. Use SSH link to push the data
4. Go to it setting – On tool chain , settings – members tab (add project members); settings – Repository tab – expand protected branches – and edit it.
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